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Sweden: A long tradition of peace

Global Good News    Translate This Article
13 April 2007

Raam Raj—ideal governmental administration through Natural Law, offered by the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace—is the fulfilment of what wise leaders throughout history have been wanting: the happiness, prosperity, health, and peace of mind of their people. Sweden has a very long tradition of peace spanning two hundred years. To ensure it continues, peace must be established at the very core of national life.

Creativity is the basis for economic development, and creativity relies on the people. Every country is proud of its different innovators and inventions. Sweden prides itself on a wide range of products, from safety matches to Skype. All of these different innovations bring economic progress, but mere material progress is not fulfilling to life. What is needed is 200 per cent of life, both inner and outer.

To achieve this, the Global Country of World Peace in Sweden wants to develop the total brain functioning of every citizen in the country through Consciousness-Based Education. The plan is to establish Invincibility Schools initially in Stockholm, Göteborg, and Malmö, three major population areas, before expanding to the rest of the country.

Sweden is proudly raising the flag of the Global Country of World Peace, with its symbol, the sun, which gives nourishment to all of life. This is the parental role of the Global Country of World Peace, to give nourishment and fulfilment to the whole family of nations. At the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, the Netherlands, the flag of the Global Country—the flag of Raam Raj—flies alongside the flags of all 192 countries of the world. Seeing all these flags together promotes both inner and outer fulfilment—as they symbolize the enlivenment of total Natural Law throughout the world through all of Maharishi's programmes, including the Vedic performances of groups of Vedic Pandits in India and America, and the activities of all the enlightened leaders of Maharishi's worldwide Movement.

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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