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Dr Eike Hartmann: The concept of the Brahmasthan and the Invincible City
by Global Good News staff writer

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19 April 2007

Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Global Reconstruction of the Global Country of World Peace, explained the concept of the Invincible City during a Press Conference on Global Reconstruction for Permanent World Peace on Friday 13 April. Dr Hartmann's remarks were made in the context of his presentation on Vedic Architecture.

The Principle of Invincibility in nature is well-illustrated by the Meissner Effect in quantum physics, which verifies that a high level of inner coherence and harmony of a system dispels disturbing influences, explained Dr Hartmann. This explains how the order, harmony, and good fortune generated by an ideal, 'fortune-creating' building constructed according to Natural Law disallows the penetration of any harmful or negative influence.

When this principle is applied to a city laid out according to Vedic Architecture—such a city resists negative influences from outside and makes the whole city coherent and integrated. This effect, analogous to the Meissner Effect, is called the Maharishi Vastu Effect. When this knowledge is applied throughout society, any city, any country can become a problem-free, disease-free society, he said. Every city can thus become an invincible fortress of coherence, stability, and good health for the benefit of many generations of citizens to come.

As people come to understand the source of their problems (in buildings and cities designed according to non-Vastu principles), and begin to enjoy more support of Nature living in these newly built ideal fortune-creating homes, old cities will be rebuilt very quickly and developers and builders will fulfil their role of providing more healthy and more fortunate homes for the population.

For the six billion people in the world, one billion homes have to be created. Where to start? Dr Hartmann said that, according to the ancient Vedic texts—Manasara Vastu Shastra—the ideal capital city, the Raj dhani of the country, should be placed exactly in the middle of the country, auspiciously positioned by the side of an eastern or northern river or lake. Until now, this principle has been completely forgotten.

The centre of the country is usually neglected empty space far away from the general population, because here the influence of the eastern coast and the western coast, and the influence from north and south, have come to zero, Dr Hartmann said. The centre point of a country has this very special and precious quality of balance and unifying wholeness, where the integrated value of the collective consciousness of the nation, as well as the holistic value of Natural Law of the land, are available in one point of totality. In the Vedic language, this central place is called the Brahmasthan, and from here the wholeness of national life should be administered according to the Constitution of the Universe.

Dr Hartmann spoke of the geographical centre of the United States which, for the above reasons, has been selected as the seat of Maharishi Central University, designed to house 40,000 top students, the future leaders of the world. All buildings are designed in accordance with Vedic Architecture, to ensure that the orientation, proportion, and layout have maximum health-promoting, life-supporting, and fortune-creating influence on the students. This university will soon become a global network of similar universities built in the Brahmasthan of every country, and will be honoured as the pinnacle of education in every nation.

As Maharishi Central University is being established in the centre of the US, to be the Centre of Total Knowledge in the Western hemisphere, similarly and directly opposite in the Eastern Hemisphere, in the centre of India, the administrative Capital of World Peace is being built. It is the home of about 16,000 Vedic Pandits (peace-creating experts) who will enliven total Natural Law through their daily practice and performance of Vedic recitations and Yagyas, so that, in a very short time, from this one place on earth, the whole of mankind will be blessed with the effect of higher intelligence which will not allow any type of lower intelligence to overshadow the world with negative trends, crime, or war.

Phase One of the Global Reconstruction Programme will focus on education facilities, Maharishi Peace Palaces and fortune-creating Peace Colonies in the vicinity of every larger city, Vedic Health Centres and Medical Colleges, and also to properly house the refined physiology of the large groups of coherence-creating Yogic Flying experts around the globe.

Dr Hartmann concluded by saying that heads of state, governments and national leaders need to redesign and rebuild their whole country according to Natural Law, to bring the support of Natural Law, health, wealth, and happiness to the whole population, generation after generation.

The Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has said, 'When the nation utilizes Vedic Architecture and city planning in accord with Natural Law, structure buildings and cities as maximize health, happiness an fortune, the government will be delighted to see that the peaceful, problem-free character is rising in the whole country.' This will mean a government has achieved a new level of self-sufficiency in administration and fulfilled the idea for every government—a prevention-oriented and problem-free administration.


Maharishi announced on 14 April that the complete address by Dr Eike Hartmann from the Press Conference on Global Reconstruction, and that of Dr John Hagelin from the Press Conference on Invincible Defence on 11 April, will be replayed continuously around the world. (These presentations, as well as the complete programme of each Global Conference in this special series held at the Global Financial Capital of New York, are being broadcast live and replayed on the Maharishi Channel via satellite and over the Internet; please visit for the schedule and updates.

For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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