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A wave of invincibility for Latin America

Global Good News    Translate This Article
27 May 2007

Four more Latin American nations are set to follow the example of Trinidad and Tobago, and crown their nations with invincibility within the next two or two and a half months.

PARAGUAY, which needs 260 Yogic Flyers—has two invincibility projects underway, one of which is advancing quite rapidly. The nation expects to reach its goal by the end of July.

VENEZUELA, which needs 500 Yogic Flyers, expects to achieve invincibility either at the end of July or the first two weeks of August.

HAITI, a very poor and very important country in the Caribbean, needs 300 Yogic Flyers to reach invincibility. The expectation is that Haiti will reach invincibility around the last week of July.

GUYANA, a small country with a population of just under 1 million, needs 90 Yogic Flyers to create national invincibility. Again the expectation is to reach this goal around the last week of July or the first two weeks of August.

Invincibility can be created in any nation when only the square root of one per cent of the population practises Yogic Flying in a group. This powerful technique bestows invincible defense on the nation through a very small number of people. The four countries above are creating national invincibility mainly through students in schools and colleges. The students are creating peace for their nation, and at the same time they are growing in enlightenment themselves. (For more information, see Education for Enlightenment.)

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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