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Good news report from Canada

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
29 June 2007

18 June was the 18th day of the twelfth month of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

18 June 2007

The Globe and Mail - Canada strikes trade deal with India (16 June 2007) Canada has reached a trade agreement, the Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement, with India, one of the world's fastest growing economies. The deal reflects a deepening of ties with India. An agreement like this is considered a stepping stone to a full-fledged free trade deal and Ottawa has already signalled it would like to eventually sign one with New Delhi. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has called on Ottawa to set up a government-business advisory group to study the potential for economic and business co-operation with India, a move that it says could lay the groundwork for a Canada-India free-trade agreement. India is one of Canada's top trade priorities. From a Toronto Star report on this: International Trade Minister David Emerson visited India last month and this week is hosting the visit of his Indian counter-part, Kamal Nath. Emerson found his first official visit to India 'very, very positive . . .' Visiting Indian minister Nath said, 'I think a bright future awaits the India-Canada economic partnership.' From another Toronto Star report on this: International Trade Minister David Emerson and India's Minister of Industry and Commerce, Kamal Nath, were the chief guests at the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce's annual gala in Toronto, attended by 1,000 people on Saturday. Two-way trade between India and Canada was a record C$3.6 billion last year. The deal is expected to increase Canada's trade flow with India to C$20 billion a year within five years. 'We've got something in the neighbourhood of a million Indo-Canadians in Canada. They're a natural human bridge to that market,' Emerson told the Star.

Press Trust Of India - India, Canada conclude talks on FIPPA (17 June 2007) India and Canada have concluded an agreement that would safeguard investors' rights in the two countries and boost bilateral economic ties. The announcement was made at a press conference in Toronto. Minister of Commerce Kamal Nath said the agreement would promote economic relations between the two countries and accelerate two-way investments. Canadian Minister of International Trade David Emerson said the bilateral commercial ties could grow exponentially after this agreement. 'We have both agreed Canada and India have an enormous amount of economic and commercial potential,' Emerson said. Later, Nath and Emerson presented annual Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) awards to 11 top Indo-Canadians for their contribution in various fields such as business and education. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in a message commended efforts made by the ICCC in promoting relations between the two countries. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said the Indo-Canadian community was making an outstanding contribution in uplifting the Canadian economy.

Bloomberg News - Canadian Stocks rise to record on commodities, M&A; Alcan gains (18 June 2007) Canadian stocks rose for a fourth straight day, pushing the main index to a record. The TSX Composite Index added 39.01 to 14,176.42, exceeding its previous record of 14,146.74 on 4 June. The benchmark built on last week's gain of 2.5 per cent, the best since March. 'People are seeing fewer clouds on the horizon,' said Kate Warne, Canadian market strategist at Edward Jones & Co. in St. Louis. '...the trend for the Canadian market is higher,' she said.

CBC News - Ontario unveils greenhouse gas targets (18 June 2007) The Ontario government plans to reduce the province's greenhouse gas emissions to six per cent below 1990 levels by 2014, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced Monday. The province is counting on the planned shutdown of it coal-fired power plants that year and the use of more renewable energy to bring it halfway to its target. Of the remaining 50 per cent reduction, the premier said 15 per cent will come mainly from rapid transit investments and tougher national fuel efficiency and emissions standards for vehicles, 15 per cent will come from home energy audits and conservation incentives for municipalities, and 20 per cent will come from development of new technologies. The province also plans to reduce greenhouse gases to 15 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050. From a Globe and Mail report on this: 'We're doing our part to fight climate change in an ambitious and realistic way by shutting down coal plants, promoting energy conservation and investing in infrastructure that helps Ontarians reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions,' Mr McGuinty said.

The Toronto Sun - $17.56B transit vision (16 June 2007) Premier Dalton McGuinty unveiled on Friday a sweeping C$17.5-billion transit vision for the GTA and Golden Horseshoe that would be the largest transit build in Canadian history. 'Gridlock doesn't just sap strength out of our economy; it steals precious time from our families,' McGuinty said. McGuinty said the projects would create 175,000 jobs directly and hundreds of thousands indirectly by the economic growth resulting from the investment. The premier pledged the province will pay the one-third of costs that municipalities usually bear. Toronto Transit Commission Chairman Adam Giambrone said he is 'a little flabbergasted and ecstatic' at the size of the announcement. From a CBC News report on this: The plan aims to ease gridlock and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by building 52 rapid transit projects over 12 years, starting in 2008. Toronto's ambitious plan to create a network of streetcar lines across the city is also receiving funding. Toronto Mayor David Miller called the announcement 'historic'.

The National Post - First Nations important ally: Energy Minister (15 June 2007) 'First Nations are extremely important to our energy future, particularly our renewable (energy) future,' Ontario Energy Minister Dwight Duncan told reporters after announcing a programme aimed at encouraging the development of small water power projects in northern Ontario. Michael Fox, a resource development adviser with the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund in northern Ontario, said there are at least two dozen hydro and wind projects in the north that First Nations groups expect to participate in either as the principal developers or through minority or majority partnerships. Mr Fox said aboriginal groups in the north are also benefiting from an Ontario government policy that says only aboriginal groups can apply to develop hydro projects on northern rivers. 'That's a quantum leap from the old Ontario Hydro days, when they would come in and cherry pick' the best projects, he said.

The Toronto Star - Homework overload under microscope (18 June 2007) 'I'm not an expert on curriculum . . . but I do know for sure there's no way we can have kids doing this much homework,' said Nick Kennedy, 18, one of two student trustees for the Toronto District School Board. 'There are Grade 4s up until 11 o'clock at night.' In light of complaints Kennedy has heard from other students, as well as an impassioned plea from Frank Bruni—a father who feels family time is being eroded by too much homework—the Toronto board is being asked to consult with students, parents and teachers on homework reform, with a report in the fall. At a committee meeting last week, trustees already approved a policy by student Trustee Ted Kuhn, which puts a four-day 'pre-examination moratorium on major assignments and activities' so that students writing exams won't be saddled with homework. Homework overload has been a hot topic among parents and students.

The National Post - BC wants to reset the dinner table (18 June 2007) A province-wide effort is underway in British Columbia to encourage parents and children to gather around the supper table and break bread with one another—a time-honoured ritual shown to better one's health, improve children's performance in school and strengthen family bonds. The attempt to drive home the importance of families eating together is buoyed by research showing the benefits. John Beaton, a professor in the department of family relations and applied nutrition at the University of Guelph, says eating meals together also helps strengthen family bonds. 'It's a time to connect with each other about the day, what was important about your day, what happened, and really kind of informing each other about where everyone's at. It's far more about connection than just eating.'

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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Copyright © 2007 Global Country of World Peace

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