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Dr Bevan Morris on Unified Field-Based Defence
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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30 July 2007

During the Global Conference on Unified Field-Based Defence on 24 July, which was broadcast from Global Financial Capital of New York, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, offered a new Unified Field-Based approach for defence that uses a scientifically validated technology to raise every nation to invincibility.

Dr Morris also reported on the plans for the celebration of Guru Purnima on 29 July and the Towers of Invincibility, which were to be inaugurated during this celebration.

Military-based approaches to the defence have failed

Dr Bevan Morris: 'The US is the most powerful country in military terms and economic terms that is known in the recorded history of the world. . . . Yet, an internal report of the US government stated recently that the threat from terrorism to the US has not decreased at all with the so-called war on terror of George W Bush. . . . The US is caught in a gigantic thorn bush, and cannot get itself out. All of this is the expression of that one organization in the country, that is supposedly responsible for the security of every citizen of the nation, and that is the government. . . .

'The military-based approaches to the defence of the nation do not secure a peaceful life free from fear of the nation. They do not now, never in the history of the world have they secured peace. One only needs to take a glance at human history to know that militaristic approaches, approaches based on killing and destruction, have never secured the peace of the human race.

A Unified Field-based approach to defence can create an invincible nation

'What the US government should do is create, as Dr John Hagelin recommended, a group to stimulate the Unified Field, a group of advanced practitioners of Transcendental Meditation practising Yogic Flying, the technology of the Unified Field, to directly stimulate to enormous power, creativity, integration, and harmony of this basic field which is the source of all Laws of Nature, and the whole galactic universe and its administrator.

'Dr Hagelin has told us that this is possible today. The results are scientifically demonstrated that when these groups of Yogic Flyers are sufficient in number—the square root of one per cent of the nation's population, which is only 1730 in the US for 300,000,000 people—these groups can change the whole course of the life of a nation, because they are stimulating this hugely powerful Unified Field and enlivening all of its positive properties in the whole collective consciousness of the nation.

'This leads to the prevention of problems for national life and the rise of an invincible nation in which no negativity can penetrate or arise from within the nation. However, as I remarked, the government cannot be expected to do that, so fortunately we have in the world a great sage of the Vedic Tradition, and a great voice and champion of the Unified Field, Dr John Hagelin, to implement independent of the government, the actions necessary to create a completely peaceful world, and every nation on earth invincible.

'Today, it is not only the most powerful nation of the world, the US, that cannot fully protect its people; there is no nation in the world today that can protect its people. No nation can stop terrorism, can stop missiles with nuclear chemical or biological warhead, or can even stop its own citizens from harming each other, let alone other nations from harming the nation.

'As you sow, so shall you reap'—Violence leads to more violence

'We also have the clear evidence that war has never been a means to create permanent peace in the world. The history of the world demonstrates it. Also, the current strategy of defence is completely illogical&mash;the way that defence is sought is by killing. The reality is ''As you sow, so shall you reap''. So, if you kill, you will be killed in turn. . . . That has been a principle expounded in every religion and culture in the world, ''As you sow, so shall you reap''. Doing violence to others to destroy your enemy sows the seeds of the creation of new enemies, new wars, and new terror generation after generation. This tradition has been fraudulent and false as a means of the defence and security of the nation and the peace of the world.

'Governments that continue to follow these fraudulent patterns of defence without adding Unified Field-Based Defence will be hooted out by the population, and mocked by the history of the world for the ignorance and stupidity of their notions of what would really protect the people whom they took responsibility for by becoming the government. . . .

A glorious future awaits the world

'A glorious future that now awaits the world. It is dawning now, the darkness is being dispelled from the world. It is just the nature of this time, Maharishi said, that this has to happen now. The knowledge is there with us now, and this is the transformation of the world to one where every nation is invincible and has an invincible defence strategy for the prevention of all warfare before it arises. Heyam Duhkham Anagatam—''Avert the danger that has not yet come.'' This will be the watchword of every future generation of the world, using the Unified Field-Based technologies that Dr Hagelin has unfolded for us today. . . .

'The message of this conference today is that whoever is awake, whoever is listening, whether in the press, or any responsible person, you should not, you cannot, let the day when invincibility is there in every nation be delayed for one moment because, now, right this moment, the youngsters are driving down roads where any box could be an bomb ready to blow them up.

'In every part of the world, where such disasters still exist, they should now come to an end without delay. We should move fast, where people know and understand this, and not follow the stupid notions of the past in terms of military strategy. As Maharishi said, these are maddening ideas of bravery: to die for your nation or become a killer for your nation. . . .

'Thanks to the greatness of the military strategy of the Vedic Tradition, [we now have] an entirely peaceful and entirely effective strategy, that creates peace, not through war, but peace through peace itself, the peace of the Unified Field, stimulated by a tiny group of people for the whole of the life of the nation.'

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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