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Raja Robert Wynne congratulates Maharishi University of Management for the first Tower of Invincibility in the world
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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4 August 2007

As part of the global celebration of Guru Purnima on 29 July 2007, at the celebration of the first Maharishi Tower of Invincibility in the world, Raja Robert Wynne, Raja (Administrator) of the Global Country of World Peace for Vedic America, congratulated everyone at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, for their participation in the Invincible America Assembly and for their dedication to bringing Vedic Pandits (peace-creating experts) to America to crown the nation with invincibility.

'I have to say, Well done, MIU*,' said Raja Wynne to an audience of 1,000 guests—Vedic Pandits, faculty and students of Maharishi University of Management (MUM), and members of the Invincible America Assembly from around the United States and around the world.

At the historic celebration of the first Tower of Invincibility in the world, which was built in only six weeks, Raja Wynne said that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had established this university and given it his name because the university and its faculty would be the lighthouse of pure knowledge generation after generation. Now 'the purpose of this Maharishi Tower of Invincibility is to mark this spot, this day, commemorating when America became invincible, when America became Vedic America,' said Raja Wynne.

He said that this 'will be a pilgrimage spot generation after generation in the future for people to come and see the words on this Tower and learn what happened here, what everybody who is here today was able to accomplish here in this last year. Everyone who is here today did not need a one-year study to show that this was going to work,' said Raja Wynne [referring to the research study validating the effects of the Invincible America Assembly, the results of which were released on the recent one-year anniversary of the start of the assembly].

Raja Wynne said that everyone here came to MUM from everywhere: hundreds of people from around the world and from every state in the US; and, of course, the 500 Vedic Pandits from India, for one purpose—to crown America with Invincibility, and also to gain invincibility for themselves through the long, deep practice, day after day, in the large group of all these enlightened individuals, everyone here.

'Both were the by-product of each other,' said Raja Wynne. 'Whether you came because you wanted to create Invincibility for America, or you came because you wanted invincibility for yourself, the result is that both things are happening. And this Maharishi Tower of Invincibility commemorates that action, or, maybe we should say that inaction that you all performed over this last year to create an invincible America.

'And as America goes, these days, so goes the world. By creating an America at peace, you have helped to beget that process that the whole world will be at peace; that every other nation will become an invincible nation, a Vedic nation. And today, on this Guru Purnima Day 2007, was the first public performance, open to everyone, of Maharishi's Vedic Pandits performing their Vedic recitations here.'

Raja Wynne said that the 500 Vedic Pandits that have come so far came because Maharishi asked them to come to crown America with Invincibility. Maharishi has set the goal of having 1,050 Vedic Pandits here, and the next 500 are ready to come and will be here over the next few months.

Raja Wynne said that we are so grateful, because on this Guru Purnima Day, we celebrate and appreciate what Maharishi and his Master and the entire Vedic Tradition of Masters have given us through the preservation of this knowledge in its entirety, over thousands and thousands of generations, by the Vedic Pandits and the Vedic Tradition of Masters.

'We sit here today blessed at Maharishi University of Management, at the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility,' said Raja Wynne. 'And we cannot believe our good luck. May this feeling that we have today . . . last for ever. And not only last for ever, but each day get better and better and better.'

Raja Wynne recalled how one year ago on Guru Purnima, 2006, Maharishi said, 'Let us have this Invincible America Assembly.' Maharishi adopted America and 23 other countries to rise to invincibility in this year. 'And America has done it!' said Raja Wynne. 'It did it because everybody that was here, and that subsequently came, Maharishi organized that they would come and be here. Everybody came, and Dr Howard and Dr Alice Settle came forward [to support the Invincible America Assembly].'

Raja Wynne said that we had about 400 Yogic Flyers practising together a year ago. 'Now we have 1,700 flying,' he continued. 'And every person in that increase was due to Maharishi organizing for all of us to be here. So this is why we give gratitude to Maharishi, to Guru Dev**, to the Vedic Tradition of knowledge [for] these techniques that we are fortunate enough to have practised, which allow a handful of individuals to change the destiny of mankind through the Grace and the blessings of Guru Dev and Maharishi.

'We're it! Right here! We can change America,' said Raja Wynne. 'If we had an army of two or three million—we probably do have an army of two or three million, but it wasn't able to create invincibility for America. This handful of people here, whose destiny it is to rise to perfection in this lifetime, they have gathered here through the organizing power of the Vedic Tradition of Masters, to be this instrument . . . to change the destiny of mankind.'

Dr Wynne also expressed his great appreciation and gratitude to the Vedic Pandit Board that Dr John Hagelin established in 2003. 'Those five individuals had this vision that we need Maharishi's Vedic Pandits here in order to create invincibility and peace for the nation,' said Raja Wynne. Dr Hagelin is the Chairman of the Vedic Pandit Board and the organizing power behind it. Dr Howard Settle was also on that board, along with Dr Ramani Ayer, Trustee of MUM; Marshall Belden; and Bob Brown.

Raja Wynne said he would like to give credit to this Vedic Pandit Board for their tenacious actions. 'They didn't need a study to tell them that this is what was necessary! None of us needed a study, we just did it, and they did it, and I really want to thank them now; and also the 2,000 or more people who also believed in the Vedic Pandits coming, and contributed to the campuses for the Vedic Pandits, to their travel, to all the other aspects that allowed this event to take place over these nine or ten months since the Vedic Pandits came. I want to congratulate everybody who has contributed to this day of allowing the Vedic Pandits from India to create Vedic America here.'

Raja Wynne also thanked everyone at MUM for so quickly creating space 'out of nothingness'—to accommodate the Vedic Pandits and the Invincible America Assembly people that flooded in from around the world. He said that the President of MUM and everyone who works with him instantly accomplish one miracle after another.

'It was only about six weeks ago that Maharishi suggested that there be a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility by Guru Purnima, here between the two Golden Domes to commemorate what actually happened here in this last year. What other place could have created this Tower in six weeks? What other place could have accommodated 500, 700, 800 people all coming in one or two months: renovating the different buildings; and people who were here accommodating by moving to other locations; people doubling up, all of these things. It is unbelievable, but it's the history of Maharishi University of Management since it was founded in 1971, each day it has performed miracles.'

'Now it sits at the top,' said Raja Wynne. 'It sat at the top [before], but now there is no slippery slope. From today on MUM is at the top of the mountain, and everybody here is at the top of the mountain, and there is no slippery slope. There is no sliding back. From now at the top of the mountain, we will just be able to be the first to see Sat Yuga as it arises all around the world.

'And it was because of you and your dedication to Maharishi and the knowledge that he was given by Guru Dev that has allowed us to sit here today and just enjoy the accomplishment of what has happened in this last year. And especially what is happening right now and from this moment forward. All glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.'

* MIU: Maharishi International University, established in 1971, which in 1995 was renamed as Maharishi University of Management.

**Maharishi's Master, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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