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Dr John Hagelin, President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, reviews transformation of civilization by permanent peace-creating assemblies
by Global Good News staff writer

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8 August 2007

On 29 July, Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and Director of the Invincible America Assembly, addressed the annual Guru Purnima celebration of the Global Country of World Peace.

It was 32 years ago, Dr Hagelin reflected, that the sociological effects of Transcendental Meditation were first scientifically documented. Since that time, the group practice of the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, has amplified the positive effects through a phenomenon called Super-Radiance.

One person in the proximity of another, both practising Transcendental Meditation, actually helps the other to transcend, Dr Hagelin explained. This is the phenomenon, he said, of Bose Condensation, the mutual attraction of the subatomic particles known as bosons. 'Since consciousness obeys Bose statistical tendencies, because the Unified Field, the Superfield, is a Bose field,' Dr Hagelin continued, 'when we sit together to transcend, the likelihood of transcending is greater.'

The other benefit of group practice is that the combined radiance of more than one individual transcending grows as the square of the number of coherent radiators, Dr Hagelin explained—an example of constructive interference, This discovery was predicted with reference to consciousness by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Global Country of World Peace and of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Scientists later empirically verified it, and everywhere it was implemented, it proved to be true.

'What is different today,' Dr Hagelin went on, 'is that the groups practising Transcendental Meditation and the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme, which includes Yogic Flying, are no longer experiments. Now permanent groups have been created.'

'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inspired the Invincible America Assembly —we are so grateful for that. In other countries too, there are Invincible Assemblies, and these are permanent. This is the difference between a ''Taste of Utopia'', and permanent world peace,' Dr Hagelin said.

He then reflected that, in the context of Guru Purnima, when the Vedic Tradition of Masters is accredited with all the fruits of their supreme knowledge, Maharishi is offering back to his Master, Guru Dev*, what Guru Dev gave to him and to the world: the knowledge and the technology for national invincibility and world peace. More than that, Dr Hagelin emphasized, Maharishi was giving what no one has been able to give in the long history of humankind: the proper application of those techniques. Maharishi was not just been talking about it, or theorizing about it, but actually creating a whole new country—an invincible nation—in a peaceful world.

'The whole destiny of human civiliZation is changing and changing fast. What was once a temporary research phenomenon of two weeks here, and four weeks there, is now a permanent research phenomenon,' Dr Hagelin stated, 'This is a permanent experiment. It's not going to stop.'

On Friday 27 July, Dr Hagelin had announced to the global press the results of the first year of the Invincible America Assembly. He reviewed these again, in detail, for those participating in the Guru Purnima celebration.

'If I hadn't been involved in this research for many years now, I would call it magical,' Dr Hagelin said. 'And it is both magic and scientific: it's that level of life where magic and science unite, where religion and science unite, as one unified wholeness of knowledge.'

Beginning the same day, press reports appeared all over the world recounting the transformation of the US achieved through the Invincible America Assembly.

Dr Hagelin concluded his presentation by acknowledging the magnitude of the transformation being affected, and where the credit for it lay: 'So what we have here is the world's largest ever sociological experiment in history, and the most sustained experiment in the history of Maharishi's worldwide organization. It is also the most costly experiment when you consider the great generosity of the Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America. It was done simply to transform civilization, and that we have done. So all generations will be eternally grateful to Maharishi, to his Guru Dev, and to his Vedic Tradition of Masters.'

*Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas

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