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Good news report from Canada

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25 November 2007

12 November was the 12th day of the fifth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

12 November 2007

CanWest News Service - Net-zero homes greener and leaner (11 November 2007) In Newmarket, just north of Toronto, an entire subdivision of leading-edge sustainable homes built to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum standards—the first in Canada—will break ground Tuesday. The 34 bungalows and two-storeys, built by Rodeo Fine Homes, will use 50 per cent less municipal water (since rain water will help irrigate gardens and support plumbing), and will have 67 per cent less water going down the drain, and 60 per cent less greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption compared to conventionally built homes. Rodeo's Ecologic homes will also recover heat from drain water, use solar panels to preheat hot water, and recirculate solar-heated air to heat rooms. 'When they're talking about 60 per cent energy-load reductions, this is a significant step forward,' said Gordon Shields, co-ordinator of the Net Zero Energy Home Coalition, which promotes homes that produce as much energy as they use in a year. In Alberta, Avalon Master Builder, which constructs about 200 homes a year in Calgary and Red Deer, has a goal to construct every home to net zero energy standards by 2015 at no additional cost to consumers. 'We're using the research and development on the net zero homes to drive the specifications up on our standard homes,' said Ryan Scott, Avalon's chief executive officer. 'We are on track for our goal.'

The Regina Leader-Post - Housing market continues at record pace in Saskatchewan (9 November 2007) According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), housing starts in October marked the best performance since 1981 in Regina, up 28 per cent from October 2006. Regina's housing starts year-to-date are the highest since 1983, with 1,230 units. Saskatoon has also seen a considerable increase in housing starts for year-to-date. Total housing starts in Saskatoon reached 2,069 units, up 67 per cent from the same time last year. There are a number of reasons for the strong market, according to Paul Caton, senior market analyst at CMHC. He said these figures represent the strength of the economy, household growth, and consumer confidence. 'This provides a good snapshot of what's happening (in the province). It's going on in most other cities in the province,' said Caton. The demand for housing has also led to a sharp increase in the price of housing. Saskatchewan cities had the highest rate of year-over-year increases in the country, according to Statistics Canada. Saskatoon saw a 47-per-cent increase from September 2006 and Regina saw an almost 30-per-cent increase in that same time.

The National Post - It pays to be socially responsible (12 November 2007) A corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan makes a difference in recruiting and retaining top talent. Today's workforce doesn't just want big bucks; they want to work for responsible companies. CSR also gives small firms an edge in accessing capital. If you look at the capital markets and the risk assessments that are being done as part of due diligence, firms that have CSR-related programs are deemed be less risky: They are less likely to be sued for polluting the environment or to have a major accident. Additionally, ethical investment funds now represent a significant portion of the total funds worldwide—somewhere between 15% and 30%. These funds are not investing this way just to be nice, they are doing so because it makes sense. In Canada, the JANTZI index, for example, contains a portfolio of 60 CSR firms, and it consistently outperforms the Canadian stock market.

The National Post - Fortune magazine praises Canada as a good place to launch a business (12 November 2007) Fortune Small Business ranked Canada third in the world as a place to start a business, after New Zealand and the United States. What makes the country so small-business friendly? In one word, support, both cultural and financial. 'Canada places relatively few hurdles in the path of business owners,' Fortune says. 'It takes between two and five days to start a business and requires five or fewer steps to do so.' Entrepreneurship is a respected career choice in Canada, the report continues. Fortune also praises Canada's relatively low marginal tax rates and legal systems that protect intellectual property and provide relatively rapid adjudication of disputes.

The National Post - Attitude change is pushing campus pubs nationwide into the red (12 November 2007) Campus pubs and bars nationwide are no longer money makers, a slump that is attributed to students who are more studious, money conscious, health wise, and prefer campus coffee shops and juice bars.

The Globe and Mail on ancient cedar grove in B.C. (12 November 2007) In 2005, graduate student Dave Radies stumbled upon a huge discovery, a 30-hectare grove of mammoth ancient cedars earmarked for logging. He says it is part of a unique inland rain forest ecosystem located 130 kilometres southeast of Prince George. The University of Northern British Columbia student believes some of the western red cedars in the grove to be almost 2,000 years old. Some of the trees measure 13 metres in circumference and reach 75 metres into the sky. In the town of Dome Creek, the closest community to the grove, Hugh Perkins, of the town's community association, said residents call the grove the Ancient Forest. It would make a fine provincial or national park, he said. TRC Cedar owns the rights to log the site. Mr Perkins said he received an e-mail this week from TRC Cedar indicating their willingness to not log the area, stating that re-designating the grove involves a 60-day consultation period with aboriginal groups, and is subject to government approval. 'We're very hopeful and TRC Cedar is very supportive of the idea . . . they are members of our community as well,' he said.

The National Post - Seeking the 'God particle' (12 November 2007) At a public lecture in Waterloo, Ontario last week about the biggest experiment in the history of science, nearly 600 people packed into an auditorium because the nearby Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, the C$100-million facility for Canada's top 'brainiacs', could not contain them. These people had gathered to see British particle physicist Dr John Ellis, former head of the theory division at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

They were there to learn about Canada's role in ATLAS, the largest of four unprecedented experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, a 27-kilometre-long circular tube 100 metres underground in Switzerland, lined with superconducting magnets that can accelerate a beam of particles to just shy of the speed of light. By slamming these particles into each other and studying the collisions, scientists hope to settle the deepest questions of modern physics, questions about the nature of dark matter and the fundamental forces, the possible existence of extra dimensions, the origins of black holes, and why matter has mass. On Friday, CERN director general Robert Aymar connected the ceremonial final 'inter-connector'.

Canada's part in all this involves work on ATLAS, a detector whose computers make predictions based on theory, then look for corroboration in the evidence gleaned from millions of particle collisions. Dr Robert Orr, a University of Toronto physicist, has led Canada's contribution. Scientists hope to find the Higgs Boson, which they call the God Particle, whose existence is predicted by fundamental physics. It works only if all particles are assumed to be weightless. They must have no mass, no inertia, and they must zip through the ether at the speed of light. But they do not. To explain mass, Edinburgh physicist Peter Higgs proposed there is a force field everywhere in the universe through which all particles must pass. When they do, they are slowed to varying degrees. The resulting sluggishness is their mass, which in the presence of gravity becomes weight. That is where the Large Hadron Collider comes in. 'Precisely the point of this experiment is to convert those protons into the masses of new heavy particles that are not visible every day,' Dr Ellis said. The 'holy grail' would be the Higgs Boson, he said.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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