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Presenting the historic new book of Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam: Ramayana in Human Physiology
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 April 2008

Ramayana in Human Physiology, an historic new volume of knowledge by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, first sovereign ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, will be presented on the Maharishi Global Family Chat over the next few days, starting from 14 April 2008.

Today the Global Country of World Peace held its grand global celebration of Raam Navami, the traditional Vedic celebration of the birth of Raam—Brahm, total Natural Law—which was broadcast on the Maharishi Channel. During this celebration, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister, announced that on Maharishi's Global Family Chat to be broadcast later in the day, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam would be present to receive the first copy of his new book. Maharaja's book unfolds a profound new layer of knowledge of the Vedic Science of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace. During the Global Family Chat, sections from the new book will be read aloud.

In addition, Dr Morris announced that during the next three days, Maharishi's Global Family Chat will continue to celebrate the reality of Raam and the reality of administration from the level of Raam (Brahm, Totality), and this historic discovery of Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam under Maharishi's guidance and inspiration.

The celebration will also include a special tape by Maharishi on the discovery of the Ramayan in the human physiology.

Dr Morris reminded everyone that Maharishi—'the reality of Brahm itself'—had crowned Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam as fully established in the line of Raja Raam the Great in the Kingdom of Ayodhya [in India], where suffering belonged to no one.

'Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam was weighed in gold by Maharishi for his discovery that physiology is consciousness and the individual is cosmic,' Dr Morris said. 'And Maharishi designated him as the representative in our time of our great Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters. Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam is that living embodiment of the administration from the level of infinite silence, which Maharishi saw as his legacy for this generation, and generation upon generation to come.'

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