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Raja of Lebanon inspires support for Maharishi's programmes
by Global Good News staff writer

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5 July 2008

Speaking on a recent Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Lucien Mansour, Raja of Invincible Lebanon for the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about his visit to the nation this spring and the initiatives to offer Maharishi's programmes there.

Raja Lucien met a number of times with the National Directors, the Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, and the Yogic Flyers of the nation inspiring them to play their role to create national invincibility.

Raja Lucien also held a conference at the famous Monot theatre in Beirut, which was attended by 200 people including political dignitaries, leading educators and scientists, as well as top members of the press. 'It was a beautiful opportunity to present Maharishi's programmes to create permanent peace and invincibility in the country along with the many scientific studies validating these programmes,' Raja Lucien said. As a result of this momentous conference, three of the foremost newspapers in the country interviewed Raja Lucien and each published a very good article.

The auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements in the Vedic Calendar, fell during his visit, and on that day the Flag of Invincibility was raised and a ground-breaking ceremony for a Tower of Invincibility was held on the recently-acquired 7,000 square metres of good Vastu land among the beautiful pine trees of the Lebanese mountains. The goal is to have a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, as well as a Consciousness-Based Education School and Maharishi Vedic Spa there, Raja Lucien said.

'In the final days of our stay, we met the owner of a five star hotel,' Raja Lucien continued. She is a practitioner of Transcendental Mediation and wants to help make Maharishi Ayur-Veda available in her area. She owns two hotels, Raja Lucien said, and she generously offered a floor in one hotel to be used for a Vedic Spa, and the entirety of the other hotel, which she wishes to turn into a health resort modeled after the award-winning spa, The Raj, in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA.

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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