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An overlooked, proven solution to terrorism
by David R. Leffler

Arab News    Translate This Article
4 October 2008

On 4 October 2008 Arab News reported: There is a proven technology to eliminate stress, terrorism, and war from the world. Invincible Defence Technology is a human resource-based technology, which is non-lethal and non-destructive, and can be used by the military to reduce tensions and control terrorism. The peace that is created is the expression of what is known as the Maharishi Effect. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

The Arab News article reported, 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived the ancient Vedic technology of Invincible Defence in a non-religious manner. It has been quietly and successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the recent past.'

Even with all the high tech weapons the US military has at its disposal, terrorism is not being eliminated from the world because the underlying cause of social violence is accumulated social stress.

If the United States Department of Defense wants to truly eliminate terrorism, then it needs to reduce collective societal stress.

'No collective stress means no tension between the United States and other countries, religious groups, and insurgents. No terrorism,' the article stated.

There is a proven way that this can be accomplished. By having the square root of one per cent of the population practising Invincible Defence Technology, then the Maharishi Effect takes place.

The Arab News article explained, 'The Prevention Wing of the Military would be trained in the primary components of Invincible Defence Technology: the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi Programme. They would practice these techniques in large groups, morning and evening.'

Based on the results of several experiments with the programme, crime, war, and terrorism would all decrease, and the quality of life would improve.

Research, which has been well documented on a global scale, has been referred to in a paper entitled, 'An alternative to military violence and fear-based deterrence: Twenty years of research on the Maharishi Effect', published by the Security and Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA) think tank.

The Arab News reported, 'A paradigm shift is taking place in the US military. ''We believe that preventing wars is as important as winning wars,'' according to a new strategy announced by the [US] Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in October of 2007. This is the biggest revision of US naval strategy in 25 years, focusing more on humanitarian missions and improving international cooperation.'

In a research paper for the US Army War College, Colonel Brian M Rees chose to look at Invincible Defence Technology and wrote 'The Applications of Strategic Stress Management [SSM] in Winning the Peace'.

The Arab News article reported, 'Colonel Rees recently gave presentations to the Proteus Management Group at the US Army War College and Association of Military Surgeons of the US (AMSUS) about how Invincible Defence Technology could prevent the collective stress responsible for war and terrorism.'

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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