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Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam honours all the leaders of the Global Country of World Peace
by Global Good News staff writer

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5 January 2009

Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2 of his address at the final celebration of the Global Country of World Peace on 31 December 2008, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, said that in this year where we have seen extremes, even in the field of the changes in economics, and some threats and some situations which are called crises—'at the same time there is a great wave of enormous purification, a wave where that which is not right cannot continue to be; a wave in which something happens that might seem catastrophic yet we see through it and see that it is a prevention from a much bigger catastrophe; and where we see a reaction in the world that shows great awareness, great concern, great responsibility to respond and adjust, therefore even through those transitions that are experienced, there is a very great aspect of positivity that is seen . . . .'

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam said that on the brightest side of it we see again the [liveliness] of the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; the success of his knowledge being brought to everyone in society, the success of his programmes. 'It was really an extreme joy yesterday and today to listen to all Rajas and Ministers expressing the success in these different fields of their undertaking,' he said.

'. . . . In all the countries we have heard about we find that there has been very great success, and the knowledge is really zooming forth and going forward.

'We honour those leaders and it is a great joy to see how. . . . in the clarity of their thinking and the devotion that they have shown to Maharishi by continuing the purity of the teaching and the same level of desire, the same level of excitement about it, of interest, of incentive, with great force, is really very, very fulfilling to all of us.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam also expressed great gratitude to all those who are working in every field that he has not heard about, because in their field they are doing a small thing here or a big thing there, but it doesn't come to his attention. 'But when we know about it and are told about it, it's really tremendous—all those who work in the computers, in the planning, in different aspects of the knowledge and presentations, it's really tremendous what's happening.

'So it's a very fulfilling year in its gifts of assurance that Maharishi is immortal and Maharishi's knowledge is transforming the world in a great fulfilling way.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam expressed his admiration, deep appreciation, and gratitude to the Prime Minister, the Rajas, Raj Rajeshwaris, Ministers and all the leaders of the Global Country of World Peace and said, 'It is really wonderful to see how our family is together, truly giving all that it can from every angle to create heavenly life on the earth,' he said.

'....Therefore we go into the silence with a sense of wholeness, a sense of Totality, a sense of Guru Dev* present, alive, and in his totality, silence and dynamism created by Maharishi, and when Maharishi said his work was done, it means he has fulfilled to Guru Dev the requirement that Guru Dev wanted . . . .

'We go into silence with a great sense of fulfilment where the extremes of this year bring us from the sense of great loss to realize that there is no loss at all, because ultimately that loss has proved immortality to be a reality. We live in that reality and bask in this pure silence for these few days to come out and celebrate how we will make the whole world live, understand, and rise to that level of dignity which is the birthright of everyone, and bring the world to a heavenly existence. Jai Guru Dev.'

Maharishi's global Puja [traditional Vedic performance of gratitude] and address from 31 December 2007 was then played as the culmination of this year's celebration of the birthday of Guru Dev and New Year's Eve 2008.

* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Guru Dev is revered as the embodiment of Vedic wisdom closest to Maharishi in the illustrious tradition of Vedic Masters who have passed down the eternal wisdom of life from teacher to student since time immemorial.

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