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Address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam inaugurating 12 January 2009 as Maharishi's Second Year of Invincibility - Global Raam Raj: Human physiology is a replica of the Constitution of the Universe
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 January 2009

During the Global Celebration of 12 January 2009, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, gave a beautiful address inaugurating Maharishi's Second Year of Invincibility—Global Raam Raj, and honouring the unparalleled gifts to the world of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace.

Please also see Part I and Part II of this article, in which Maharaja beautifully explained how the knowledge brought out by Maharishi in his Vedic Science allows the apparent separation many people perceive between consciousness and physiology, unmanifest and manifest, spiritual and material, heaven and earth, to be understood as arising from 'different angles of perception' in the seven states of consciousness*—and that these values all become reconciled in the highest state of human development, Brahman Consciousness, in which one experiences the ultimate reality that everything is the Unified Field of Natural Law.

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continued his address, saying, 'For the human physiology to be able to experience that reality, it has indeed to be in tune with that reality. And that's how Maharishi pushed the experience and the understanding further, from just the Unified Field manifesting into matter, into showing that matter actually indeed is an image of the Unified Field.

'Even on the surface level of the physical, material construction of the physiology—or of any matter for that purpose, but now the physiology is our focus—the human physiology is indeed a replica of the Constitution of the Universe: the Laws of Nature that, inherent within the Unified Field in an unmanifest way, have a silent reality which is itself an unmanifest structure. Because when we say laws and different aspects of laws that are emerging from that Unified Field, we speak of interactions, we speak of correlations, we speak of relations, and that means structure immediately. That structure available in Veda and Vedic Literature itself exactly has become the human physiology, has become the human body.

'Therefore, now we can say to those who think we should leave that body in order to get to heaven, that in that body you can experience the qualities of heaven. What is heaven? Heaven, as we can imagine, is Natural Law in a perfectly balanced state. We think of heaven as omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, perfect harmony, absolute purity, absolute perfection.

'But we think of heaven not as a flat, unbounded Unified Field, but as a dynamic aspect. You can say, what is in heaven? Well, there is God, one God, one unbounded God. Then one says, what is the difference between that God and the Unified Field? It's a lively God, it has qualities. What do you mean, ''qualities''? He is the maintainer, he is the creator, he is the sustainer; he is also the changer, the destroyer, the adjuster, the compassionate. So many qualities of that one reality. And these qualities actually express themselves in these qualities.

'So when you say ''quality'' you can say the one unbounded, pure, unified, one single, none other than him—only one, nothing else—now has an action or an effect in terms of a maintainer—maintains, ensures things are in proper order. Though we can say in different language, ''Shiva''—or in this case, ''Vishnu''. Or we can say that maintainer or that dynamism quality that is present, that is Vishnu. We can say that quality of silence, unbounded pure silence, Totality—makes sure everything goes back to the least excited state, everything goes back to itself, everything goes back to annihilation actually—that's why they call Shiva Destroyer. But if there were nothing but Shiva in the universe, if God had only that one quality of Shiva, nothing else, then you'll have total annihilation, everything goes back into a black hole and into total unmanifest one, unbounded Pure Being, silence.

'But there is a quality of dynamism—that quality of dynamism, that quality of energy, that quality of power, of allowing creation to exist in a dynamic state—it is has a name, we say Vishnu. And that principle of law and order that allows Natural Law to interact together in a specific way and create phases of its own manifestation based on its own internal order, that we call Brahman. In that way, that unbounded reality of pure existence, heaven, is actually also reflected exactly in our human physiology.

'So the Laws of Nature in their simplest form, unmanifest form, are available in Veda and Vedic Literature as the Constitution of the Universe, they become the human physiology. Those Laws of Nature packaged, compactified in certain qualities, the quality of a Natural Law—like the principle of everything goes back to its ground state, everything tends to go back to its simplest state of least excitation. We can say that is a packaged kind of quality that allows so many laws to in fact interact in such a way that they bring a state of silence, bring the state of least excitation. These packaged laws we can call Shiva. Those laws that interact dynamically to create energy and force, etc., they can be called Vishnu.

'And like this, as we go on, expressions after expressions of Natural Law, we see that all the inhabitants of heaven, which are only one aspect of one reality—so those who are worried we are saying many gods, they would understand that we are talking about Laws of Nature and different aspects of the same one, unbounded reality.

Global Good News will feature the conclusion of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address, in which he explains that all these qualities of Natural Law are in our human physiology; and that Maharishi gave every individual the knowledge and technologies to realize his own consciousness as the unbounded Unified Field and his physiology as the entire Constitution of the Universe, as well as the abode of heaven. Thus Heaven can be experienced on the level of the physical world, and heaven and earth are reconciled.

* Please see Part I for an explanation of the seven states of human consciousness in Maharishi's Vedic Science.

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