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Commemorating the Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, February 2008: Tribute by Dr Bevan Morris - Maharishi's supreme achievements

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11 February 2009

One year ago, in February 2008, the Global Country of World Peace announced that, 'with his life's work complete, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the illustrious sage of the Vedic Tradition of India, who over 50 years ago introduced his Transcendental Meditation programme to spiritually regenerate mankind and create world peace, ''is welcomed with open arms into Heaven''.' *

(Please also see Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV of this series.)

Today, on the anniversary of the special ceremonies held on 11 February 2008 honouring Maharishi in Allahabad, India, Global Good News is honoured to reprint the conclusion of the beautiful Tribute to Maharishi by Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, given during the Global Memorial for Maharishi in MERU, Holland on 7 February 2008.

Dr Morris continued,

'Another of Maharishi's great achievements concerned the tradition of the Vedic families of India. The tradition of Vedic recitation in India had been fading out under the influence of western culture; and Maharishi stepped in with great power to support the livelihood of the Vedic Pandits of India, and to revive fully their tradition of Vedic recitations for peace and the elimination of problems in the world.

'He revived for the Vedic Pandits the importance that they recite the Veda from the level of silence by being Yogic Flyers themselves. He reminded them of their ability to use the Vedic Sounds, called Vedic Yagyas or Graha Shanti, to prevent specific dangers that might befall any country in the world.

'Now these Vedic performances are being performed from the holy central spot, the Brahma-Sthan, of India, and from facilities built according to the fortune-creating principles of Vastu Vidya of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda (Vedic Architecture), which Maharishi has revived for the whole world. He revived this tradition of Vedic recitations and invocations to take care of the destiny of any individual, and of the world as a whole, through looking after the destiny of each individual nation.

'Maharishi also emphasized the science of
Jyotish and Yagya, the Vedic system of prediction of the future of anyone based upon their birth time, and then having detected any danger coming, to fulfil the Vedic saying: Heyam dukham anagatam—''Avert the danger that has not yet come''—through the Vedic Pandits' powerful Yagya performances.

'In Maharishi's final messages in the last weeks, he described the ''dawn in the world of administration through silence''. The Unified Field that is the source and administrator of everything, from the human physiology to the whole galactic universe, is a field of just pure silence vibrating with dynamism within all the Laws of Nature.

'And Maharishi has brought out in this world the teachings of the Vedic Tradition: that it is possible—and it has happened many times in the ancient past in the world—that the whole world could enjoy the benefit of that silent administration which administers the evolution of the whole galactic creation—that incredible power that can run galaxies and universes—to support the spontaneous fulfilment of the desire of any human being. And any nation could be completely free of all problems and suffering in its national administration through the national law being fully supported by the administration by Natural Law of the whole universe.'

Please visit the Tributes page to view more beautiful Tributes to Maharishi that have poured in from leaders and friends of the Global Country of World Peace around the world.

Please also see previous articles on the one-year anniversary of Maharishi's Mahasamadhi that have appeared in Global Good News in recent weeks ('Global commemoration' and 'Ceremonies in India').

* The full press announcement from 5 February 2008 may be viewed at 'His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi'.

** Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of experience, knowledge, and fulfilment.

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