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Nine countries in Asia have new Transcendental Meditation Teachers
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 April 2009

A recent Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course held in Thailand graduated seventeen new Teachers from nine countries throughout Asia.

Ten ladies and seven men became Teachers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation Programme. There were three men from Cambodia and one from Vietnam on the course; Indonesia and Thailand each sent one man and two ladies. Malaysia was represented by one man and lady; and there were two ladies from Bali, and one each from Laos, Hong Kong, and the Philippines.

Graduates of this course became the first Teachers of Transcendental Meditation in Laos and Vietnam.

Raja Peter Warburton, Raja of Invincible Great Britain for the Global Country of World Peace congratulated Raja Vikram Aditya, Raja of Invincible Thailand and other countries in Asia. 'This is a beautiful achievement, a wave of Total Knowledge,' Raja Peter said.

During the four and a half month Teacher Training Course participants 'have the opportunity to bask in Maharishi's supreme value of knowledge', he commented. '[They] learn every aspect of how to whisper infinity* to other people—how to put them on the path to enlightenment. It's really as Maharishi always said the supreme profession in the world—a very fulfilling profession.'

'Congratulations to all these individuals . . . for successful graduation from the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course,' Raja Peter said.

* 'Whisper infinity': This is a beautiful expression used by Maharishi to describe the process of teaching Transcendental Meditation, when the teacher gives the new student the personal instruction and guidance for experiencing the unbounded field of Transcendental Consciousness.

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