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Mother's role in transforming the trends of time: Gracefully achieving perfection in family life through Maharishi Vedic Astrology and Yagyas

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19 May 2009

The Global Mother Divine Organization's* Full Moon global webcast in May featured a rich programme of news and knowledge on the theme: 'Introducing the Specialty of Traditional Astrology for Women'.

Please also see Part I of this article.

During the programme, Dr Ann Crowell, a member of the International Board of Maharishi Jyotish for Ladies, gave a beautiful presentation, in a lively question and answer format, on 'Mother's role in transforming the trends of time: Gracefully achieving perfection in family life through Maharishi Vedic Astrology and Yagyas'.

Q. 'As you sow, so shall you reap' is a principle taught in every culture. How can a mother use Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya to ensure her family's actions only bear positive reactions?

A. 'According to Vedic literature, every thought and action creates influences which spread throughout the universe, from where they ultimately reflect back to the originator. This is the principle of, ''As you sow, so shall you reap,'' which tells us that our thoughts and actions create influences which always return to us at some later time. With the help of Jyotish, it is possible to precisely calculate at what time, what kind of influence, created by our past thoughts and actions, will return to us.

'Through the Maharishi Yagya Programme we can take responsibility for our past actions and neutralize their effect, because Yagya performances are from that transcendental level from where the result of an action emerges. Through the Yagya Programme, individuals and whole nations can be saved from the influence of their past actions. Thus a mother can use Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya to ensure her family's actions bear only positive reactions.'

Q. When a mother gazes into the eyes of her son or daughter she sees all possibilities. How can Maharishi Vedic Astrology programmes help her enliven and guide this potential in the most evolutionary direction?

A. 'Every child is born with specific characteristics, qualities, and potential. With the help of Maharishi Vedic Astrology a mother can know the latent and apparent potential in her children, as indicated in their birth charts, and thus choose the suitable evolutionary possibilities for them that will received the most support of Natural Law.

'With Total Knowledge Based Education and suitable training to enliven and enhance the latent and apparent potential in the most evolutionary direction, she can give her children the best opportunity to choose the right profession and live a happy, successful, and fulfilled life. In the absence of proper guidance, and [making] wrong decisions, the child may struggle and encounter all kinds of difficulties and failures.'

Q. What about the ladies working outside the home. How can Maharishi Vedic Astrology help them achieve success in their profession?

A. 'Maharishi Vedic Astrology can guide them to choose a suitable profession so that they can engage their latent or hidden talents along with apparent capabilities. Maharishi Yagya programmes would strengthen and support their progress and success and provide them happiness, satisfaction, and fulfilment in their profession.'

Q. Maharishi Vedic Astrology helps a mother become a better mother and nourish all members of the family, from the youngest infant to the revered elders. How can the same technology of Maharishi Yagya benefit all generations at the same time?

'Every mother wants to give the best of everything to her children and to all members of her family. As for the children, she can plan the birth of a child at an auspicious time according to Jyotish, through Vedic Astrology, so that at the time of birth of the child the unfavorable influences on account of the planetary positions are very minimal. Thus she would give her child the best opportunity to live a happy and successful life.

'From time to time, with the help of Maharishi Vedic Astrology, she can foresee impending problems with respect to health, and difficulties in different areas of life that her children and the revered elders may be facing, on account of unfavorable planetary influences. By knowing about it she can understand the situation better—and then not only would she try to avert the problems with help of Maharishi Yagyas, well in time; but she would also take extra precaution and nourishing care of all members of the family.'

Global Good News will continue with the second part of Dr Crowell's presentation tomorrow.

For more about the new Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya programmes for women, please visit

* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Global Mother Divine Organization, established in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace.

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