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Russia: Global Country of World Peace programmes expanding
by Global Good News staff writer

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15 November 2009

Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt visited Russia, one of the countries in his domain, for the first time in mid-October, meeting with participants in a World Peace Assembly (WPA) of Yogic Flyers, as well as connecting with many members of the Global Country of World Peace in the country.

Speaking on Maharishi Global Family Chat,* Raja Bjarne reported that he spent most of his four-day visit to Russia at the WPA in Moscow. The assembly drew 60 participants, all practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including 20 Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Technique. During one meeting, Raja Bjarne gave recognition to the Regional Directors of the Global Country of World Peace in Russia, who are leading the new Maharishi Invincibility Centres** in the nation.

Raja Bjarne and the WPA group also connected via teleconference with another WPA in progress in the city of Omsk, Russia, more than 2,000 kilometres southeast of Moscow. The group also connected to a WPA in Brussels, Belgium—another country in Raja Bjarne's domain. 'It was a wonderful feeling of having a world family, and we discussed the possibility of coordinating groups of Yogic Flyers internationally more frequently in the future,' commented Raja Bjarne.

Also during his stay, Raja Bjarne helped celebrate the third-year anniversary of the Invincibility Assembly*** of Yogic Flyers in Russia. During the celebration, it was announced that a well-wisher of peace and invincibility for Russia had come forward to support expansion of the Assembly. Also, plans for new Vastu (Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, Vedic Architecture) accommodations for the group were discussed.

Since his visit, Raja Bjarne has been planning for further expansion of the Global Country of World Peace in Russia, encouraging all Transcendental Meditation Teachers in the country to participate in a Teacher Refresher Course. 'We expect several hundred TM Teachers to attend this course, and we believe it will be the starting point of a new wave of instruction in the Transcendental Meditation Programme,' he said.

Raja Bjarne concluded by praising the open, warmhearted nature of his hosts in Russia, and saying that he was greatly looking forward to the upcoming revival of Maharishi's knowledge within the nation.

* Raja Bjarne's report was featured on the 19 October 2009
Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

** Maharishi Invincibility Centres in major cities around the world offer the knowledge and programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, to promote enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation, through development of full potential in every area of life.

*** One of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes for creating world peace is to establish large, permanent Invincibility groups of Yogic Flyers in every nation, practising Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme together. These large groups enliven the Maharishi Effect in collective consciousness, creating coherence in national and world consciousness. Large groups of Yogic Flyers have been creating invincibility in the United States, Holland, and other countries for the last several years.

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