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UK: Invincibility Assembly participants enjoy experiences of higher states of consciousness

Transcendental Meditation News, UK    Translate This Article
27 March 2010

Participants in the Invincibility Assembly* at the Maharishi Garden Village in Rendlesham, Suffolk, report experiences of great bliss during their group practice of Yogic Flying.

Maharishi Garden Village recently held its first Invincibility Assembly, inspired by the success of the ongoing permanent Invincible Great Britain Assembly* at the Maharishi European Sidhaland in Skelmersdale, Lancashire.

Raja Peter Warburton, Raja of Great Britain for the Global Country of World Peace, has described the Invincibility Assembly as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's supreme offering of knowledge and experience, leading people onto genuine experiences of higher states of consciousness.**

In particular, many individuals on the courses are reporting the experience of Totality dawning in their awareness, the spontaneous realization of the Vedic expressions: 'I am That,' and 'I am Brahm, I am Totality.'

One participant described the experience of consciousness as 'flowing and lively . . . , soft, and blissful. I thought: ''How can I describe this in words?''—and realized that the word ''love'' was the answer.'

The participant also described experiences of 'simply experiencing my Self and there was the certain realization that ''I am that''.

'This is completely different from intellectual understanding. This experience has left me with a new feeling, like having another anchor, being more firmly connected to the basis of life.'

Global Good News will feature further experiences of Invincibility course participants in the coming days.

* An Invincibilility Assembly is a large group of Yogic Flyers practising the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme together for extended periods to generate coherence in collective consciousness and create invincibility for the nation.

** Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfillment.

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