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Maharishi Vedic Pandits: Creating peace from the level of peace, silence, absolute unified harmony
by Global Good News staff writer

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5 May 2010

Maharishi Vedic Pandits create a powerful influence of harmony, coherence, and invincibility through specific peace-creating performances, said Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of Invincible India for the Global Country of World Peace. Raja Harris recently discussed how these Vedic performances 'have as their purpose to make peace peaceful, to make the possibility of peacefulness—which is after all our own nature—the manifest reality'.

The idea that peace can be achieved through talks and treaties has always been the 'great mistake' of all those who have desired for peace for the world, Raja Harris said.

'The fact is, as we all know, that peace can only be created on the level of peace,' he continued. 'You can't create light by pulling out darkness, you can only create peace from the level on which peace is already, or it will be ephemeral. There is a level of orderliness, there is a level of peace, there is a level of absolute unified harmony, which is within the nature of everything, which is the nature of everything.'

Specific Vedic performances by Vedic Pandits enliven the 'value of silence and peace . . . pure undifferentiated wholeness', Raja Harris said. One such performance is called Rudrabhishek.

Rudrabhishek is one of a number peace-creating performances which have been done for centuries, Raja Harris said, and one of the most important elements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's global programmes is his plan for large groups to perform Rudrabhishek all around India—to establish lasting peace, harmony, and invincibility for the world.

* Raja Harris's report was featured on the 14 April 2010 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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